Sunday, March 8, 2015

My favourite quotations

Let a joy keep you.

Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.

Carl Sandburg

It is no simple matter to decide who are the more fortunate ________ those to whom life gives all, or those who have to give all to life. A fulfilled life is not necessarily one constructed strictly in accordance with one's own blueprint ; it can be a glorious collage of materials that have come unexpectedly to hand. How wonderful it is that we do not know what to-morrow will bring.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Happiness is a daily decision.

Happiness is a treasure

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined                                     Henry David  Thoreau

The happiness of your life  depends upon the  quality of your thoughts      Marcus Aurelius

We  become happier,  much happier
when we realize life  is  an opportunity
rather than an  obligation.                                             Mary  Augustine

The best way  to prepare for life
is to begin to live.                                                        Elbert Hubbard

Beautiful thought about life.................

It's  a hard life sometimes but a life in which happiness is possible is  also beautiful,  and the path to a beautiful life is paved with beautiful thoughts,  beautiful outlooks, that bring a  smile and spread happiness to others.

Four beautiful thoughts of life :

    Look back  &  get  Experience
    Look  forward  &   get Hope
    Look  around    &     find  Reality
    Look  within  &  find Your self.

When you are looking for a friend
don't   look  for perfection.
Just look for  a  friend.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ABOUT myself


Thank you. I  cannot believe  I  am really  write on my own blog.  I  stated this years  ago (maybe  6), with the help of a young man. Unfortunately,  I have  no  idea  how to proceed to the next  step. I shall  be  most  grateful for  whatever guidance I  can  possibly  get.  True,  I  need  guidance  and  help. 
                     My  name is Thuan Poe,  and  is  also  known  as    aabe.  I  am 77 years  old  and  has  so  much still to learn to use  my computer.  People of my generation mostly have to  try  and  struggle very hard  to use  it.  I am  living alone in a  small house, happily independent, but of course could be lonely too. My  town Seremban is just  an  hour's  drive  away  from  Kuala  Lumpur.  My  five  adult children  are  living elsewhere on their   own.......and  just  like many others  very  busy  to have time for their father.  Luckily for me, I  managed to  find  some extremely good and   very kind friends who likes my company.
                       I keep  busy  and  is  mostly  free  and  happy.    I  enjoy looking after  my  beautiful green house plants.     I  also  love  films, songs , food  .  recipes,  nonya food, cakes, baking,   television.........American Idol,  E news,  Lady  Gaga, Award shows, Bollywood dancing,
I learn to  paint , I  have a  great  time going slowly around my neighbourhood  on my  very old  rickety Honda motorbike imagining going up to the  hills bathing under  the  waterfalls,  stopping at  the coconut plantation for  coconut  water,  and  toddy,  then  riding to  the  white  deserted beach to  swim in the clear blue sea and rolling on the  soft powdery sand.  I  grab  any  opportunity  I  can  get  to  travel  and have  been  all over  the  world (  well  quite  a  few ).  I  managed last  year to  get  a  10 year  visa  to  visit    The  States.  My  great  wish dream.  I  hope  soon  to be  able to  go  there. I  had  to  put  my  travelling on  hold  because  last  July and August  I  had  heart  attacks.   I had an operation in November 2014.  Now  I  am  almost  fully recovered.  Most  thankful.

                         I  try  very  hard,  and  aim   for  all  things friends.   food.   lifestyle,
thoughts, judgements,  and  others.

                         BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS    ABOUT  LIFE..............................

It's  a  hard  life  sometimes,
but a life in which  happiness is possible   is  also  beautiful,
and the path to a beautiful life is paved with beautiful thoughts,   beautiful  outlooks,
that bring a smile   and spread happiness  to  others.

No  one  is  born  happy  but  every   one is  born
with  the ability to  create  happiness.

Four  Beautiful  thoughts  of life...........

       Look  back &  get  Experience
       Look forward  &   see   Hope
       Look  around  &  Find  Reality
       Look  within  &   fin   Your   Self

When you are looking for  a  friend
  don't  look  for  perfection.
Just look  for  friendship.